The First All-Electric Car that Runs Without Batteries

My Car Heaven prides itself on delivering articles on the automobile crème de la crème; from our reports on classic cars to bringing you the latest innovations. Today we’re reporting on the arrival of a car that could be the best electric sports car ever – the QUANTiNO twentyfive. Currently being built by nanoFlowcell Holdings Plc, it’s a new flow cell electric car with qualities that can only be summarised with the words “better, faster, further”.

This beast of a motor has been in the works for 25 years. Throughout this time the geniuses behind the project have been researching, developing, innovating, and planning its next technological sensation: QUANTiNO twentyfive. Its power comes from a new revolutionary nanoFlowcell® 48VOLT electric drive system. This enables the vehicle to drive for ranges of up to 2,000 kilometres – fully electric without any harmful emissions, completely clean energy, climate-neutral, and without any battery!

Quantino twentyfive left side

The capabilities of the nanoFlowcell® drive technology have been repeatedly proven since 2015 by the QUANTiNO 48VOLT. Now, the QUANTiNO twentyfive is about to make its own unique mark and underline the innovative concept underlying the NFC approach in electric car development.

“We are not working towards a specific end goal” says Nunzio La Vecchia, CEO & CTO nanoFlowcell Holdings plc. “We are working on continuous improvement. Targeting a range of 2,000 kilometres reflects the progress we have achieved with our nanoFlowcell® technology.”

The world’s first all-electric car without batteries

Whilst the QUANTiNO twentyfive was in development the team made a radical decision; their environmental concerns regarding the use of a lithium-ion starter battery led them to leaving it out completely. In replacement, an electrolytic capacitor is installed into the electric vehicle’s starter system. On ignition the nanoFlowcell® 48VOLT electric drive is powered up. Once rolling, the nanoFlowcell® delivers the energy to four 60 kW low-voltage electric motors and the consumers in the 48-volts vehicle network. This remarkable innovation makes the 2+2 Roadster the first fully electric car that works entirely without a battery.

Within this evolution of electric motoring the QUANTiNO twentyfive excels in its technical innovations, with greater driving comfort, safety, and performance. The nanoFlowcell® 48VOLT E-Drive is more efficient, using its low-voltage motors with integrated power electronics to give it even more energy. This powerful fully-electric E-Drive will accelerate the car from 0 to 100 km/h in 2.5 seconds approx., with the help of four newly designed multiphase low-voltage electric motors.

Quantino twentyfive BEV

What are multiphase low-voltage electric motors?

One could say that they are the only intelligent charging technology for electric motors. Similarly, NFC solves the problem of high currents in low-voltage electric drives, as seen in the performance-oriented QUANTiNO twentyfive drive system. Remarkably, even though the individual motor performance has been reduced when compared to the QUANTiNO 48VOLT (1 x 80 kW), the total output of the 4-wheel drive e-sports car has been tripled with four 60 kW motors.

The car’s designers have installed two 125-litre bi-ION® electrolyte tanks in the QUANTiNO twentyfive as compact floor tanks. This enables the car to transport even more energy in the form of electrolytes than the QUANTiNO 48VOLT. This low centre of gravity smartly improves the vehicle’s handling. This phenomenal car is the result of 500,000 kilometres of testing and 8 years of developing every single component of the vehicle.

Another advancement is in how the car is recharged. Conventionally, electric vehicles have to recharge their batteries at charging stations, but the nanoFlowcell® flow cell in the QUANTiNO twentyfive is anything but conventional. This motor will be refuelled at petrol pumps with QUANTiNO twentyfive’s bi-ION fuel that’s non-toxic, non-flammable, and environmentally friendly.

If that doesn’t get your juices flowing, this certainly will: carrying a full quantity of bi-ION® fuel enables the QUANTiNO twentyfive to achieve ranges of up to 2,000 kilometres – without needing to recharge!

Quantino twentyfive Prototypes

Designed to inspire

The motto of “designed to inspire” is embodied by the QUANTiNO twentyfive, in more ways than one. The dazzling QUANT design establishes the electric vehicle’s sporty character: fast, light, and open top. It inspires with its futuristic look of a transparent roof, this 2+2 roadster expresses qualities of freedom and the joy of driving. It promises to deliver practical sophistication and driving pleasure in an exceptional electric vehicle, powered by clean electricity without harmful emissions, generated by environmentally friendly energy sources.

Turning Waste Water Into Fuel

Our research discovered this fascinating fact: seawater, wastewater, and even industrial wastewater can be the basis for the bi-ION® electrolyte fuel. nanoFlowcell Holdings PLC water treatment plant purifies this water into pure, resource-saving process water that is supplied to the bi-ION® production process. The bi-ION® electrolyte fuel mainly consists of water, to enable it to be pumpable. The extra ingredient is the suspended nano-structured bi-ION® molecules, developed to portably store regenerative energy. These are specifically designed, performance-optimised charge carriers, that generate clean electricity in the nanoFlowcell®. That’s clean energy, resource-saving, with no toxins, no harmful emissions, non-flammable, and no health risks.

Quantino twentyfive inside left

Is bi-ION® the future’s number 1 energy carrier?

Yes, considering we haven’t seen anything like this before. Happily, nanoFlowcell Holdings Plc is working extensively on the mass-scale production of the bi-ION® electrolyte fuel. This is only the beginning of them laying the foundation of nanoFlowcell® powered electric vehicles, alongside further nanoFlowcell® applications.

In summary, QUANTiNO twentyfive is an electric performance car that delivers everything and more, with no compromises from drivers when it comes to practicality, performance, range, and environmental friendliness. Its numerous technological innovations go above and beyond anything we’ve seen before. We look forward to learning about the future development and production of this exceptional vehicle, and keeping you up-to-date with that news! 

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3 comments on "The First All-Electric Car that Runs Without Batteries"

  • Will Wynn says:

    Not sure, hopefully in the coming years.

  • Thomas Church says:

    When should we see these vehicles on the market

  • Carl M Anderson says:

    So a Fuel Cell anyway. Bio waste pollutes. Turn waste into H2. at 2000 KM Thats equal to a tank of gasoline. Video looks like you change Fuel Cells, which is a Battery Generator. Not a storage Battery. people impatient, won’t put up with changeover..

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