Car Product Review: The NEW AlcoSense Pro Digital Breathalyser
With injury and death remaining a huge danger to us all due to incidents of drink driving, technology is now vital to educating drivers of whether they are in a fit state, or sober enough, to get behind the wheel.
Many of us at some point have had ‘the morning after’ dilemma, after a night out or a few drinks in and just assumed we are fine to drive. When in reality the truth could be far from that.
Today we’ve had the opportunity to try out the new AlcoSense Pro Digital Breathalyser, and rate it on its simplicity, speed, value, and most of all, its effectiveness.
So here goes…
The product is small, nimble and so simple to use. After switching it on and a couple of setup steps later (setting date and time), the gadget is good to go.
I firstly reviewed the breathalyser completely sober, and after breathing for about 5-6 seconds into the tube, it immediately recorded a ‘LOW to ZERO’ alcohol level; so a good start. The product recommends waiting at least 30 minutes after drinking alcohol before testing, so to ensure any high concentrate has left your mouth. A useful tip that. After a brief wait, I tested again and the breathalyser gave me an accurate recording, indicating both my alcohol level AND how long I’d need to wait until sober, and ultimately ready to drive. What an absolutely fantastic piece of kit.
I tested myself the following morning, and the breathalyser recorded a low to zero level of alcohol in my system, immediately giving me thge thumbs up to drive. It providesv instant, simple and quick clarity on your physical and legal state; a vital weapon for improving the safety of others and protecting you and your loved ones.
I can’t place a greater price tag on that, and retailing at £150, this product has proved to be dependable, accurate, quality, and valuable. A great gadget, and one which should be high up in anyone’s Christmas list.
A big thumbs up from My Car Heaven. A sublime 10/10.
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