Congratulations to our Top Gear Live ticket competition winners.

Congratulations to our 4 competition winners, who each receive a pair of complimentary tickets to 2012 Top Gear Live.

This year, Jeremy, James and Richard will be back in front of a live NEC Arena audience, doing what they do best. Arguing. Shouting, and occasionally crashing things.

Top Gear Live visitors will witness an innovative tribute to 50 years of Bond featuring Aston Martins, a Clarkson/Stig collaboration involving a duel with armed forces; a new world record attempt by the fearless Top Gear Stunt Team, and a never before attempted game of motorised side car polo which will inevitably, and repeatedly end in disaster.

The Top Gear Live Arena show will also celebrate 10 years of its parent- the Top Gear TV show, with the first episode of the current format debuting on BBC2 in October 2002.

Andy Wilman, Top Gear’s Executive Producer says: ‘‘We talked to The Stig about jumping out of a cake but his left elbow started twitching, which is always a warning of impending massive violence, so we abandoned that idea. In the end we decided we’ll show a lovely and mostly tasteful film celebrating our achievements over the last ten years. Firstly because it’s full of good things, and secondly the audience can have a laugh at how much the presenters have ages. Except for James, who was already very old.’’

It all adds up to a fantastic day’s entertainment for all the family, petrol heads and the loyal Top Gear fans.

Our winners and congratulations go to:

Natalie Benjamin (from Birmingham);
Kat Pope (from Barcombe);
Claire Regale-Day (from Slough); and
Stacey Akers (from Stevenage)
We have no doubt you’ll have a great time at this wonderful event.

Let us know all about it below, so those less fortunate to yet attend this event or unable to attend this event this year can hear all about it.

If you do not want to miss out on our regular complimentary ticket competitions, then feel free to take a moment to subscribe to our regular newsletter or Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter and be kept up to date with our posts.

Next complimentary ticket give away competitions include the Footman James Classic Motor Show (November 16th to 18th 2012). Nice!

Get entering now or just leave lots of feedback on our posts…we like that.

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6 comments on "Congratulations to our Top Gear Live ticket competition winners."

  • Will Wynn says:

    Clare, lovely to get your feedback from the day and glad you had a great time.

    Best regards


  • Clare RD says:

    Afternoon…… just wanted to say a huge thank you for my tickets….. after a mad rush up…..we had an amazing afternoon…. the cars were out of this world and well… the Top Gear boys had us in stitches….. Thank you x

  • Will Wynn says:

    Oh dear, I hope you make it here. I’ve just arrived and will be tweeting photos all throughout the day, and putting a write up together early next week.


  • Clare RD says:

    I have been jumping up and down ever since I found out I was a lucky winner……. the day has finally come round & I am fit to burst with excitment…… and then I get a phone call from work to say I have to come in to fix an issue…..
    #dissappointed…. but I’m trying to get it done as quick as humanly possible to the get up to BHX as early as I can….

    Not going to let this dapen my day…. cant wait… Thank you so much xx

  • Natalie B says:

    Squeals! Yelps! Jumps! I dont think I can tell my 13 year old yet as he will burst with excitement. Can’t wait!! Thank you!!! xxxx

  • kat pope says:

    Many thanks for the tix! My 13 year old son is in seventh heaven and is so excited I can’t stop him talking about it…..

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